Our church, on the corner of North Road and Route 125, is made of brick, each brick laid next to or on top of another, joined together by mortar.

It takes ALL of these bricks to build the entire structure, to make and keep it strong and safe.

If you were to leave out some of the bricks the church wouldn’t be complete; you would have gaps that let in cold air or rain.

Think about that in terms of your spiritual life. You can pay attention to part of God’s teaching while ignoring other parts. You can simply read your Bible, but not put its lessons to work in your life. You can think about worship, but never do so.

You might consider helping your neighbor, but then fail to show up. Like leaving out a few bricks, your behavior likely won’t damage the entire structure, but if you fail to live your faith, the faith within you will wither and die.

The Old Testament book of Job (12:13) teaches us, “To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.”

If you want to live the full abundant life promised by God then keep building your spiritual house, using God’s bricks: love, worship, service and sacrificial giving, to name a few. Then see how strong and blessed your house will be. Pastor Jim.