I hear it all too often: “I believe in God, no question about that. But I’m not so sure about Jesus. But I believe in God, so I’m okay.”

Uh, yeah. And, no. Belief in God alone is simply not enough. In the book of James you will find the statement that even the demons believe in God!

What matters, what ensures your entrance into Heaven, is belief in Jesus, the Christ, Son of God, sent for our redemption. He and God are one.

In John’s Gospel, 5: 23, it says, “He who does not honor the Son does not hone the Father who sent Him.”

God, the Creator, sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Redeemer and also to be our Judge (John 5: 27).

Belief in God alone will take you only so far–it is belief in the Son, in His death upon the cross and subsequent resurrection from the dead, that will carry you to Heaven and give you the blessing of eternal life.

Anything short of belief in Jesus as your Savior will leave you short of Heaven’s gate. Pastor Jim.