“Hey, can you give me a hand? I’m in a tough spot and I need some help.”

We’ve all been in that situation, haven’t we? We’ve all made, or received, that call. Hopefully, as a good friend, you have responded to the best of your ability.

Maybe you aren’t able to be there for someone ALL the time, but, hopefully, you are there as often as possible.

Some people, though, when trouble comes, slip out the back door. They want no part of putting themselves out for someone else. No way!

They have their own lives, you know, and besides, they just don’t want to get involved, so you are on your own.

Not so the Lord. “The Lord is faithful and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” (II Thessalonians 3:3)

Friends come and go. Sometimes they are there; sometimes now, but the Lord is your Friend always. He will never let you down. Pastor Jim.