You’re in the kitchen, just starting to make that pie you’ve been thinking about all day.

It’s going to be delicious, and a perfect ending to a really good meal!

You begin to mix the ingredients. It’s all going well, until you realize…you’re missing something! You don’t have all the ingredients and the pie making comes to an abrupt end.

And it’s too late to run out to pick up what you need.

It happens, but it doesn’t have to.

Hear these words from II Peter 1: 3: “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”

God has given you all of the ingredients for you to live a blessed life. If you know God and have accepted the forgiving love of His Son, Jesus, you are fully equipped and ready.

Have no fear, for God is with you and has enabled you, so live confidently each day in His sight. Pastor Jim.