People. GRRR! Sometimes we just can’t figure them out!

You meet someone and you get along; in fact you admire that person–he’s got his act together, he’s wise and knows what he’s doing. Your admiration grows.

Then he does something you don’t understand and don’t agree with–suddenly you’re done with him–he knows nothing!

Or you come across a woman who is a loser–you know it, and so does everyone else, until that day when the chips are down and she comes through and saves the day.

Suddenly she’s not the moron you believed she was.

That’s humanity, folks. We all have to live with one another, with all of our faults and foibles. None of us is perfect.

The Psalmist wrote (Psalm 146: 3), “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.”

Only God does it right all the time; ;only God has all the answers, all the time. He is perfect; we are not.

But He has granted us a spirit of forgiveness. We should exercise that with those who haven’t lived up to our expectations.

We may let one another down from time to time, but He never will. Praise His Name! Pastor Jim.