Have you ever been excluded? Perhaps you wanted to join a service organization, but weren’t approved or during college, you were passed by for a fraternity or sorority.

What about that neighborhood party? Everyone was invited–except you!

Being excluded hurts, especially when it is those closest to you who exclude you.

With God, though, exclusion works differently. It is God’s desire that you have fellowship with Him. If you are left out, it is because you have excluded yourself, and the price for self-exclusion is a fearful one. Listen:

“They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the Presence of the Lord and from the majesty of His power.” II Thessalonians 1:9

Trust me–you do NOT to be shut out from fellowship with God. It is He who wants fellowship with you. You only need to ask Him to come into your heart–you will not be rejected and excluded. Pastor Jim.