“In God We Trust.” That’s the motto found on our money. It’s been there for so long, since 1864, that it has become a trite expression, having little real meaning.

Yet the thought remains: who do you trust? Do you trust yourself only, with no regard for anyone else, believing that, whatever happens, you can handle it?

Or do you trust your spouse, even though your friend just told you about how his wife recently up and left after many years of supposed marital bliss.

Maybe you trust the guy you work for. That may work, until he sells the company and you find yourself out of a job.

To trust means to commit yourself fully into the care of someone else, so be careful who you trust In Psalm 146: 3-4 we are taught, “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save, When their spirit departs they return to the ground; on that very day their plans become nothing.”

That’s the problem; even the most trustworthy man or woman will one day die, leaving everything behind. Better to trust in God, our eternal God who never changes, whose love never fails.

He is the one true God. Trust in Him, in His love, and you will never be disappointed. Pastor Jim.