It’s a big world out there and sometimes it’s easy to feel lost in the shuffle–you find yourself on a low rung of the ladder at work or you feel disrespected by your Mother-in-law or you just feel crappy about who you are and what you have done with your life.

Don’t fall for that! Don’t allow thoughts like those to creep into your mind. You are SOMEONE! You have been created by God for His purpose. He loves you and wants the best for you, so don’t feel gloomy or depressed.

Instead, seek Him out. Worship Him today and chart a course that will help you to understand your purpose in this life.

In Ephesians 2 19, Paul taught, “you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” You are not alone!

You are SOMEBODY! You have VALUE! Do not despair. He will bless you if you ask Him to. Pastor Jim.