Psalm 23:2-3: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”

What an image: luscious green pastures, a quiet pool of water. Who wouldn’t be refreshed by time spent in that way?

Yet some people continue to struggle against the Lord’s attempt to soothe and restore. They try to drink away their sorrow, only to wake up feeling worse! Or they go on a shopping frenzy, spending money they do not have, until they realize they’ve just put themselves in a worse financial hole.

The pain of the soul remains when we engage in self-help, for self-help is really no help at all.

Restoration of the weary soul comes when we take time to forget ourselves and focus on the only One who can rescue us from ourselves. That begins in worship, and today is the day that we gather to worship and praise Him..

Do you desire refreshment for your soul? Your local church is waiting to embrace you. At FBC Brentwood we meet at 10 am. Will we see you today, or will you continue to insist on struggling, doing your own thing and just feeling miserable?

Give it a try–you WILL be blessed. Pastor Jim.