We live in desperate times, in a dark and threatening world. You need look no further than the six o’clock news to verify this.

There are constant reports of robbery and murder, of political peccadilloes and nations threatening nations. It all conspires to create a mood of helplessness and fear.

For those who live apart from faith in Jesus Christ it appears that there is no hope. Doom is close at hand.

But for those who love the Lord, those who have entrusted our lives and souls to Him, we DO live hopeful lives, despite all that we see and hear going on in the world today.

It was declared in II Peter that, “In keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.”

So do NOT DESPAIR! God is with us! Celebrate by worshiping at the church of your choice this morning. He will bless you and give you even greater confidence in His rule and authority. Praise His Holy Name! Pastor Jim.