“What’s the use?” you ask. “I do things and I do things, but nobody notices and I never get any credit. Why bother?”

I have heard that many times, and so have you. People too often seem to be pre-occupied with receiving credit for what they do, rather than simply serving without worrying about personal glory.

The Apostle Paul said this to the Galatians (6:9), “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

What we do, whether in church or in a “random act of kindness” should not be done to puff ourselves up, but for the glory of God.

Go about your business, part of which is being helpful to those around you, glorify God by your actions, and He, in His own time, will provide the rich harvest you so earnestly seek. Pastor Jim.