Weather-wise, these last few days have been something–cloudy, rainy and drizzly and, to use a new word coined by a friend of mine–drismal–a cross between “dreary” and “dismal.”

Yep, that’s how it has been.

It won’t last, though. Someday soon the skies will clear. You will look up and see an empty sky–no clouds at all, with a bright sun shining, warming the earth.

Our lives are like that as well. We go through terrible periods of doubt, disbelief and disturbance–drismal days!

But then, as quickly as those days have come, the Lord, in His love for us, intervenes, forgives our sin and sets us on a new path.

Isaiah the prophet put it this way (Isaiah 44:22): “I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.”

As surely as the Lord will clear the skies, so too will He clear the gloom and sin in our lives, so be patient.

Worship our Lord, and pray for relief as you wait for Him to act. Pastor Jim.