Yesterday I encouraged you to pray diligently for someone, to have that person filled with the knowledge of God’s will.

That’s really step #2. Step #1 is to pray for that person in order that he/she comes to believe in Jesus as personal Savior. Apart from a person’s belief, our prayers for blessing have limited value.

God’s will is that all people would be reconciled to Him, yet many insist on living on their own, apart from His grace, and they don’t understand why their lives are not as full and rich as they could be.

So, to continue Paul’s thinking in Colossians 1:10, “We pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way.”

That is what to pray for: that the object of your prayers may come to a place in life where he or she will come to know the Lord in order to be richly blessed by Him.

Belief before blessing! More tomorrow. Pastor Jim.