When I was young I used to watch episodes of The Lone Ranger on Saturday morning television. He was my hero as he fought valiantly to subdue the bad guys, bringing justice to the Old West. Even today, if you watch the re-runs you have to be struck by the morality that those episodes teach. Today we have no such heroes; every time we set someone up, an athlete, politician or entertainer, on a pedestal, a scandal erupts to bring him down. There is, though, one Hero upon whom we can rely. Look at these words from the prophet Isaiah (53: 5), speaking of Jesus: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” It is His blood, shed upon the cross, that brings us peace. Now THAT is a Hero! Let us celebrate our Hero by worshipping Him tomorrow. See you there! Pastor Jim