Some people live difficult lives–no doubt about that. Some struggle financially, with relationships or health problems–for some life is a never-ending, ongoing, day-to-day battle.

Job was like that. His life was a ess. He knew it and he made sure everyone else knew it too. “I loathe my very life; therefor I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.” Job 10: 1.

But what did all of that complaining gain him? Nothing. Nothing at all.Complain he did, but his life got no better as a result of his complaints. His difficulties had to run their course.

Even with all of the tragedy in his life, though, Job never gave up on God and in the end, he was rewarded for his faithfulness.

What about you? Your life may stink right now, but keep faith in God, just as Job did. God will bring you through to glory if you don’t give up on Him. Pastor Jim.