You are richly blessed. Do you know how blessed you are?

The Lord has given you gifts and skills in order for you to use them to glorify Him. In Romans 12:6a Paul reminds us, “We have different gifts according to the grace given us.” Paul then goes on to enumerate some of those gifts.

However, too often we don’t use the gifts given to us by God. Why is that?

Fear is one big reason. We fear that we won’t be good enough, so we don’t even try. But that is confused thinking, because God gave you the talent so that you could use it for Him. He will make it great, if you give Him all you have!

Don’t be afraid to sing solo in church or teach a class or serve on a committee because you think you aren’t good enough or know enough.

Simply give back to God what He has given to you. He will purify it and use it for His glory, and you will be very surprised by the result! He is, after, all, Mighty God. He knows what He is doing! Pastor Jim.