It’s late in the evening; the kids have gone to bed and the campfire is burning down, when the conversation turns to “serious things” and the group begins to discuss their beliefs.

Some folks, optimists all, will assume the goodness of people and declare that they will all go to heaven, no matter what.

Others will deny the reality of heaven and just say that, at life’s end, you’re done. There’s nothing further.

Still others will cobble together some poorly thought out beliefs based on daytime television shows, yoga and something they read in a magazine and try to pass that off as “theology.”

At least it’s a conversation. At least people are thinking. But Colossians 2:8 teaches, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

It’s not what you think that counts; it’s what God teaches us through the Bible that is of greatest value. Don’t be misled by hollow pie-in-the-sky thinking, but trust in Christ and be blessed as a result. Pastor Jim.