Colossians 4:6: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Today may be the day you are asked about your faith; after all, they’ve seen the look of joy on your face, and watched you walk with a lightness of step. Perhaps there’s a longing in that person’s heart–she wants to know what you have that she doesn’t have–and how to get it.

Today’s verse says that we are to speak with grace. That means no finger pointing, no telling the other person that she is wrong-headed.

Rather, speak comforting words of Christ, inviting the other person to learn what you know. And let your conversation be seasoned with salt, the truth of God.

Most important of all: know what you are talking about. You do not have to be a great theologian, but you must have a handle on what you believe. If you don’t understand what Christ has done for you, you cannot possibly explain it to someone else, can you? “Salt” is the truth about His sacrifice upon the cross.

Pass the salt, and invite your listener to worship with you tomorrow. Who knows? The result might make the angels in heaven rejoice! Pastor Jim.