I hadn’t mowed the back lawn in a few weeks and was surprised yesterday by how deep the grass has become.

It’s the same with laundry–if you don’t keep after it, it piles up and you wind up with six loads instead of two. Or dishes in the sink, or anything else in life that you let go out of control.

It is when we fail to stay on top of things that we fall behind.

It’s no different in our spiritual lives. The weather has been wonderful; great for going to the beach, the mountains, the lake–it’s fun and relaxing. But don’t neglect your spiritual self, because it is the engine that drives ALL of your life.

Neglecting your spiritual life is like neglecting your garden–to do so allows the weeds to take over and choke out the good plants.

The Apostle Paul (Philippians 3: 14) never took his foot off the gas. He said, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

So press on! Enjoy the summer, but don’t neglect your soul. May God bless you today as you continue to seek Him. Pastor Jim.