Some people never have enough: not enough money, respect, prestige or fame.

They go through every day trying to attain that which is unreachable: self-satisfaction. And every day they fall short, because enough is never enough.

“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” I Timothy 6:6-7

It is a right relationship with God that brings true contentment in life. If you are in a good place with God, then what you have is enough, for God has promised to meet your every need.

You can seek and acquire all the treasures of this world, but if your heart is not filled with the love of God, you are nothing more than an empty shell, doomed to suffer disappointment, discouragement and despair.

Turn to Him. Commit your heart, mind and soul to Him and He will bring an end to your sleepless nights. You will truly rest in peace when you abide in His love. Pastor Jim.