From time to time I come across someone who insists that they cannot accept God’s grace because they are “just too much of a sinner.”

Oh? Obviously, they don’t know about Moses, who murdered a man, or David, who committed adultery with Bathsheba. What makes this guy think he’s any worse than they were?

Ephesians 2:17 puts it very clearly: “He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.”

Good people or bad, Jesus came for us all. Friend, God knows everything you’ve done and He loves you anyway,
so don’t disqualify yourself because you believe you don’t measure up. None of us does, but that is the depth of God’s love–it is so strong and powerful that it can make bad people good.

I hope that thought will comfort you, or that you will share it with someone else, the next time they try to tell you that they can’t be loved by God. Be blessed today, knowing He loves you, in spite of yourself. Pastor Jim.