Way back in the 1950’s there was an early tv sit-com called “Father Knows Best.” It told of the adventures of a “typical American family,” with the Dad always providing wisdom, good humor and a way out of every situation to the benefit of all.

It was a very popular show for its time and it presented the stylized view that we, as people, understand the world around us and have the ability to overcome, in our own strength, any and every situation.

But that’s not life, is it? There are things we don’t understand in our world: why a healthy man suffers a stroke, why a child is born with some terrible affliction, why that fool drove drunk and caused an accident, killing two.

It is when we DON’T understand that we are in the greatest need of God’s wisdom. Isaiah 55:8 reminds us, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.”

There is much that we do not, and cannot, understand, but if we continue to trust the wisdom and authority of God, we can live with peace in heart and mind. Pastor Jim.