Centuries ago, in ancient Athens, the apostle Paul found an altar with the inscription, “To an unknown God.”

He spoke to the people, explaining that, “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth.” Acts 17: 24.

Today, many live like those ancient Athenians, worshiping what they do not know, or believing in nothing at all.

People today refuse to seek Him, preferring instead to grope blindly in spiritual darkness, struggling alone day to day in vain hope that things will turn out okay in the end.

How sad, because life is so rich, full and exciting for those who know the living God, Jesus Christ; God who will provide for their needs and help them in times of trouble.

Do you know someone like those ancient Athenians, who worships “an unknown God”? Try sharing the truth of Jesus’ love with them; maybe they will come to believe as well. Pastor Jim.