The ketchup in the bottle ran out the other night but, no problem, I had a back-up: two full bottles in the lazy Susan.

Oh yeah, they were there, but they looked as if they might have been the first bottles Mr. Heinz ever made. They were old, really old. Each bottle was more than two years past its expiration date, so into the trash they went.

Everything has an expiration date. Manufacturers put the date on things in an effort to keep us from consuming goods that have spoiled. It’s a good policy.

In life we also have an expiration date; we just don’t know when that might be. Some day, though, each of us will draw a final breath, then expire.

But we do not have to go into life’s trash bin, not if you believe in Jesus as Savior. Paul wrote to the Romans (5:8) and reminded them that “at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”

We will still die, every one of us will, but those who believe in Christ will live again in Heaven. Those who fail to believe, however? Think carefully, and make a wise choice. Your life depends on it. Pastor Jim.