What a change in the weather, from last week’s heat and humidity, to this past weekends cool, autumn-like chill. There certainly is a change in the air.

Change happens all around us as we watch our children grow from little kids to adults and as we deal with our own changes–the graying hair, stiffened walk and forgetfulness that we all seem to experience.

It can be frightening to look back and ask, “Where has the time gone?” and “How did I grow so old?”

Change is inevitable, in all things, in all circumstances–except in God. He never changes, and because of that you can always rely on His love, His care for you, His purpose and will for your life.

Hebrews 13:8 teaches that that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Go out today and live your life with confidence, knowing that He walks with you every step of the way, our unchanging, powerful, mighty God. He will bless you today. Pastor Jim.