Practice makes perfect. That’s an old saying we all know: if you want to learn to do something well, you have to work at it. It holds true in all aspects of life, from hitting a baseball to typing on a keyboard to cooking a meal. Practice makes perfect. It’s no different in our spiritual lives. Sometimes people practice a “fits ‘n’ starts” kind of faith: they read their Bible once in a while, worship inconsistently and only pray when they remember to do so, then wonder why their lives are not filled with the treasure that only God can provide. James 4: 8a remind us: “Draw near to God and He will come near to you.” If you truly want a full, rich relationship with God who loves you and wants the best for you, then it is up to you to pursue Him, through prayer, the study of His word and, especially, worship. Practice makes perfect. Practice these things and He surely will bless your life: fully, completely and forever. Pastor Jim.