Anxiety can be a killer.

No doubt about it. When you let worry overcome your confidence in the Lord you set yourself up for a very rough time that can lead to emotional stress and physical illness..

It’s hard not to worry when confronted with the bad things of life, but nowhere is it written that you will get a pass and live a stress-free, over-the-top successful existence.

We all suffer from time to time; it’s how you respond to those bad experiences that matters.

Will you just crumple up when you receive that bad diagnosis?

Will you fold when your business goes in the tank?

Will you run away and hide when things turn sour in your marriage?

Or will you remember God’s promise and embrace it: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7.

Our God desires the best for you, just as you want the best for yourself, so reach out to Him, trust Him and lean on Him.

He will guide you through and replace your anxiety with peace. Pastor Jim.