We all want to get to Heaven, don’t we? When this earthly life ends we’d all like to believe that we deserve a place in the heavenly realm.

Unfortunately, many have been told that the way to Heaven is by obedience to a religious system that rewards the “good” and punishes the “bad.”

The trouble with that is that it is unclear what constitutes “good” and “bad” behavior. We’re left to figure that out for ourselves, or, worse, we’re told that by following certain rules and rituals, we can make ourselves “good.”

Friends, it doesn’t work that way. Entrance to Heaven has nothing to do with being “good” or “bad.” The determining factor is faith, and faith alone, in a Savior.

In Galatians 3: 24 Paul wrote,”So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”

Faith in Christ alone is your ticket to Heaven. Nothing more; nothing less. Believe in Him. Pastor Jim