“I guess all we can do is pray?”

Have you ever uttered that sad, forlorn phrase?

Talking about prayer in this way makes it seem like it is the last defense, some desperate measure you try when all else has failed.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that God wants us to pray–about the big things of life as well as the little ones.

Prayer is not intended to be the last defense against evil, but the first. We are to be diligent in prayer, always.

We are told in I Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray continually.” That means that we are to keep matters before our own eyes in prayer, as well as to bring them to God repeatedly, over and over again, as we seek His message of hope, peace and reconciliation.

If you have something on your mind today, if things are not right in your heart and soul, bring those things before God in prayer. And keep praying: this morning, this afternoon, this evening.

“Pray continually.” The Lord will answer, in His time and in His way. Keep in mind that His way is perfect. You can trust Him. Pastor Jim.