It’s Monday morning– time to make a list of things to do this week: I have errands to run, appointments to keep; probably no more or less than you do.

My most important appointment, though, is the one with God. That’s where my day, my week, begins, in prayer. Unless we become settled in His Presence, nothing that we do will really be of value or make sense, for it is God who is in control.

Give Him the glory today, before you set out to do anything. Then, whatever you do, do it in His Name, and for His glory.

Make a closer walk with Him your greatest goal. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14.

Honoring God will lighten your burden, give you a better perspective and bring you rich blessing, so put Him first! Pastor Jim.