You have power, great power. Do you know that?

Yours may not be political power or physical strength, but it can be power that is great just the same.

You, by the way you live and present yourself to the world, have the power to influence others. And it is a power that is well within your ability to control it.

You can choose to be mean-spirited, never giving anyone a second chance, for instance, or you can be angry all the time, or simply disagreeable.

But you can also choose to demonstrate the love of Christ in all you do and in so doing, influence others and inspire them to do the same. Matthew 5:16 exhorts us to “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise the Father in heaven.”

The choice is yours. The power to influence people is within your grasp. It is up to you to decided whether to influence them for good or ill. Pastor Jim.