Is there something in your life that you just can’t get past? You’ve tried to quit smoking, for instance. You go a week or two, then light up again and begin puffing away, hating yourself for your weakness.

Perhaps it’s an alcohol problem. You do okay with just one beer, or even two, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself and you wind up staggering around, bumping into things. When you sober up you cry out, and declare your sorrow.

Maybe it’s that “too close” relationship with a neighbor or your friend’s spouse. You’ve tried to break it off, but…

It could be any of those things or something else entirely, but it’s troublesome because, try as hard as you will, you can’t break it. Bad habits bother believers too, you know! It’s part of being human.

Being a Christian does not mean you are perfect; it means you are forgiven.

Take heart! God has not given up on you. Your time has not yet come, but it will. In Proverbs 24:16a the writer declares “though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.”

You may continue to struggle, but God is still with you! He will not reject you, so get back up and try again! A wonderful lyric from an old Fred and Ginger movie says, “pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again.”

Trust in God. Give Him this problem in prayer (again) and He will bless you! Pastor Jim.