Some people, due to fear, have trouble sleeping at night.

It could simply be the darkness inhibiting your ability to know “what’s out there.”

Perhaps it’s the night noises in your home, or the sounds pets make when they move around, or traffic outside your window.

For some it is the cares of the day, concerns of family or work or their own health that interfere with a good night’s rest.. They toss and turn incessantly, wondering how they can make things better.

Worst of all perhaps, are the thunder and lightning storms that crash down in the darkness, turning fear into unimaginable, almost uncontrollable, terror.

Fear will take over if you let it. Fear must be harnessed and kept under control. If left unchecked, fear will control you.

Our God overcomes fear: fear of darkness, illness or storm. Keep in mind Psalm 4:8, which says, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

If fear keeps you awake at night, memorize this verse. Repeat it over and over as you lie in bed. Soon it will be morning and your fears will be forgotten. Pastor Jim.