You try to do the right thing, you try to live your faith, and all you get for it is grief.

People at work make fun of you or belittle your effort, telling you that you are simply wasting your time. The neighbor you helped just puts up his hand when you try to share the Gospel with him. Not interested.

The unfaithful certainly can be unappreciative, can’t they?

But God always recognizes the things that we do on His behalf,so do not despair but continue to work for the betterment of His kingdom here on earth, knowing that you will reap a heavenly reward.

In the Sermon on the Mount (Mathew 5:10) Jesus put it this way: :”Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Don’t let the harsh words of your critics get you down; serve God with joy and gladness; the reward will be yours. Pastor Jim.