Ever have this happen? You are in the supermarket, ready to check out, when the cashier in your line is suddenly called to assist at another register, leaving you with groceries strewn all over the conveyor and no one to help.

At last the cashier returns and begins to check you out, only to be interrupted by the Front End Manager, who has some questions or other Once again, the cashier is distracted and you are left waiting.

Frustrating, eh?

That’s not the way of God, however. God never leaves you hanging. Psalm 139:8-9 teaches, “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

Because of His greatness, God is everywhere at once, in His fullness. You might be waiting for Him to respond to your prayers, but you are never alone as you wait, so continue to pray with assurance and confidence that His powerful hand is guiding you and watching over you.

You have God’s full attention and He is always with you. Pastor Jim.