Be careful what you wish for.” Anyone ever say that to you?

It’s sound advice, usually given by wise, experienced people, to those impatient for MORE and BETTER.

Wise people know that the best things in life are acquired through diligent, faithful effort. A quick fix is temporary at best, and often painful in the long run.

The nation of Judah learned the hard way. At first they were faithful, but they wanted more–more prosperity, more freedom–they wanted to live THEIR way, not bound by God’s will for them.

They turned away from God–slowly at first, then more and more, until they were completely separated from the One who had so richly blessed them with all they had.

As the Prophet Hosea (8:7) put it: “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

The result? Disaster. The nation was destroyed and sent into captivity.

Maybe your life is not all YOU want it to be, but before you desert God consider what His will is for you. Be careful what you wish for. Pastor Jim.