Some old ideas and beliefs never die. They hang on from age to age, ultimately finding their way into our culture, even as warped as they may be.

So it is with the concept of sacrifice. In ancient times people offered a bull or goat to cleanse themselves from sin. Over time, blood sacrifice became unacceptable. so the priests of the day required money as a sacrifice.

Later the recitation of certain formulaic prayers was considered sufficient.

None of these work however. Hebrews 10:4 says very clearly, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.”

A sacrifice is required, but it’s not about bulls and goats. Jesus sacrificed Himself, gave His blood and His life, that we all may have our sins forgiven.

If you want to be cleansed from sin today, you simply need to come to Jesus in humble faith and ask Him to cleanse you. Humble faith. Acknowledging your need of His mercy. Asking Him. That’s all it takes.

He has done everything else. Pastor Jim.