“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).

The Apostle Paul wrote this near the end of his life, looking back on all that the Spirit of God had led him to do.

As we reflect on this past year we also should consider how we have fought the fight, finished the race and kept the faith:

Did you provide a strong witness for Christ, or was your faith lukewarm? Have you been active in your local church, performing some act of service in His name? Have you given out of the bounty given to you by God? Have you been faithful in prayer? Have you spoken the truth in love?

The list goes on. None of us was perfect in 2018. Hopefully, though, we did our best for the Lord and now, on New Year’s Eve, we can reflect upon the past, while looking ahead to 2019. How will you, in the New Year, serve the God who carried you through the old? May God bless you today as you seek His will. Pastor Jim.