What do you bring to the table today? No, not the dinner table, the table of life.

God has blessed each of His people with unique skills and gifts. Some are gifted to be teachers; others, bakers, others are great visitors, listeners, writers and singers. The list of gifts goes on and on–some folks are given a multitude of gifts; others given only one or two.

The point is that ALL gifts are given by God for us to use to glorify Him. If you fail to use your gift to glorify our God, then you are not fulfilling your life’s mission.

I Peter 4:10 teaches,”each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

When you honor God and share your gift with the people around you they will see the Christ in you. Maybe, just maybe, your actions as you honor Him with your works of service will prompt that person to seek the Lord for Himself.

That will be a triple blessing: you, the recipient of your work and God who created and loves both of you. Pastor Jim