Today is Marathon Monday–the running of the Boston Marathon.

Some 30,000 runners are expected to compete and they all have one thing in common: each one has prepared for this race.

Not all expect to win; many know that they may not even finish, but all have prepared in some way for what is to come.

When we pray diligently for others we help them to prepare for the race they are running (Colossians 1: 9-10.)

In verse 11 Paul explained the result of those prayers: you are “being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.”

As you watch the Marathon today you will see everyone running separately, but all running together, some competitors assisting others on their way, while the crowd on the sidelines cheers them all on.

That is how we are to live: our lives may be separate from one another but we each can impact someone else’s race.

As you run your race today, how will you help someone else run theirs? Pastor Jim.