You don’t have to go very far to find what you are looking for: television, the Internet, magazines and books–everywhere you look you can find something described as “self-help.”

Self-help: it’s the way you, all by yourself, conquer the world, or at least that part of it that seems to be troubling you. Or so “they” would have you believe.

Self-help includes programs to help you lose weight, stop smoking, avoid food addictions, exercise more–you name it, you can find help for it.

Everything, that is, but your soul. There is no self-help for your wounded soul, so keep in mind that, no matter how much weight you lose, how you change your diet, or how much time you spend on your fancy treadmill, your soul is still as damaged as ever.

There is only one form of healing for a wounded soul, and that is belief in Christ as Savior. By believing in Him you can be the victor over all things:

“Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” I John 5: 5.

Self-help programs can take you only so far. To truly win at life you must have help from God, through Jesus Christ. That’s the help we all need. Pastor Jim.