“I’m okay; you’re okay.”

Remember that one? A simple phrase to defend the moral relativism that has swept over our nation during the past 60 years or so.

“I’m okay; you’re okay,” means that I won’t criticize how you think or what you do, if you will, likewise, leave me alone to live the way I want to live. I want, I want…blah!

Since when are we, as people, so wise as to be able to make our own decisions and live in total “freedom.” That kind of “freedom” is nothing more than moral slavery–when you cherish no values, you are stuck with the result, and that is where we find ourselves heading right now.

But there ARE values that we can believe in, and they come from the only One wise enough to know it all–our God, the One who created this world; the only One who knows the purpose and future for His creation.

Proverbs 29:18 says simply, “Where there no vision, the people perish.”

The beginning of that vision is a moral compass, and we have lost ours–hopefully only temporarily. It is imperative, though, that we regain the moral high ground before our society simply falls apart.

Begin today: a little Bible reading, some prayer and personal worship. It’s a start, just a little one, but we can’t finish until we begin, can we?

Pastor Jim.