At last the frost heaves are gone. Road crews are busy filling the potholes.

Soon the highways and secondary roads will be made smooth and you will be able to zip along from one place to another with no difficulty. What a relief!

So it will be in our spiritual lives, when we have called upon God to repair the potholes and frost heaves of our souls.

The prophet Isaiah promised that “every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed.” (Isaiah 40: 4-5)

Your valley might be one of despair, hopelessness or pain; the mountain or hill to be brought low might be your ego or pride.

Your rough ground could be your attitude toward others; your rugged place uncontrollable anger, which needs to be made smooth.

But the Lord will heal you;; He will bring you back unto Himself and, just as in this Scripture, “the glory of the Lord will be revealed” and your life will be made whole. Then you can give Him the glory for your healing.

May the Lord’s road crew, His Holy Spirit, bring you blessing today. Pastor Jim.