We all know him; maybe you’re married to him: the guy who always has to be right.

The guy who always has to have the last word. The guy who always has a “better” way of doing it. The guy who is arrogant beyond belief. The guy who simply won’t accept your point of view.

He drives us all crazy, doesn’t he?

God knows him, and still loves him, even though he likely aggravates Him too!

But even though he is loved by God, he will not be allowed to continue his selfish, arrogant ways. In the little Old Testament book of Obadiah, verse 4, it says, “Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars from there I will bring you down,declares the Lord.”

God does not desire arrogance, but humility.

Jesus came to us in humility. His humility was one of His greatest strengths. We are to be like Him. It’s something for us all to keep in mind and focus on today. Pastor Jim.