What day is it? It’s Friday, of course, for many the last day of the work week.

For those on vacation, it’s the final day before the weekend and then going back to the grind on Monday.

For the retired it’s just another day, with perhaps a shopping trip or doctor’s visit on the schedule.

The important thing is that it is TODAY. It is the only day we have.

Yesterday has gone; tomorrow is uncertain, so focus on TODAY.

The writer to the Hebrews (3: 13) said, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

That’s a great goal, isn’t it? Encouraging someone TODAY will help the one you encourage from becoming “hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” and it will help you in the same way.

Sin, whether committed by you or against you, is destructive, but small, simple gestures of kindness and encouragement can overcome sin and restore God’s balance to life.

You don’t have to do some big thing; sometimes small things are more effective, but you do have to do something, so encourage someone, and do it TODAY. Pastor Jim.