Patience is a virtue too few of us possess.

We live in a fast-paced society: cell phones, e-mail, Instagram all lead us to believe that anything and everything can be accomplished at a moment’s notice.

The mantra of so many has become, “I want it. And I want it NOW.” The headlines scream: “Order online, get it fast with overnight shipping!” “Instant credit check. Buy it now!”

Being impatient, though, denies the authority of God and God, in His wisdom, moves at a different pace than we do.

Sometimes, in our impatience we confuse what we want with what we need and just dive in, blundering along recklessly, in an attempt to satisfy our own desires while completely ignoring God’s will for us.

If we are truly going to trust our lives to God’s hand, we need to develop greater patience. Psalm 37:7a advises us to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;)

He REALLY does know what is best; He has the entire picture of your whole life before Him, so calm down, slow down and wait. His blessings will come in His time, if not in yours. And when you receive them they will be richer than anything you can do on your own. Pastor Jim.