Grandma Moses, Beethoven, Frank Lloyd Wright–each a person of brilliance, from different eras, working in different styles, but each producing works of excellence that have endured for years.

We are God’s people, of different ages, with a variety of talents, accomplishing things in different ways, but, hopefully, all for the glory of God.

I Corinthians 12:4-5 tells us, “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

God has blessed you with a gift, perhaps as a cook, a teacher, a singer or a builder, but you have been blessed with ability.

Your talent may not be the same as the next person’s, but it is just as valid, because your talent was given by the same Spirit to serve the same Lord.

Use your gift, whatever it may be, to honor God. He will be glorified and you will be blessed. Pastor Jim.