II Peter 3: 3: “You must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.”

Wow! Peter might have been living in these times, don’t you think?

We are surrounded by non-believers, people who have been misled into thinking that there is no God, or that Jesus doesn’t matter.

These are the people who mock our faith, who want the creche taken down from the public square; who demand “freedom from religion” as a Constitutional right.

This is nothing new; they’ve been around since the time of Peter. They just seem more vocal and bold these days.

It is up to us to stand firm in our faith and resist the scoffer’s efforts to harm us. Above all, keep in mind that the Lord had authority in the time of Peter; He retains that authority today, so do not despair. He is in control.

Go forth and live your faith with boldness. Know that the saints of God go with you and will watch over you today. Pastor Jim.