“I’ll pray for you.” That’s how you answered your friend’s request, but did you do it?

Often, in the busyness of our own lives, we forget the needs of others. We don’t mean to; it just happens and when we do remember we feel a certain sense of guilt and shame.

But prayer is SO important and it DOES change things, so we all must try to do a better job on behalf of our friends.

The book of James (5:16b) teaches that “the fervent prayer of a righteous man is both powerful and effective.”

Pray fervently: pray with passion and purpose.

A righteous man: if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, you have been made righteous through His blood.

Both powerful and effective: God will hear if you pray from belief, not unbelief, and He will answer, in His time and in His way.

So do your best to honor your friend in prayer. After all, that friend trusted you enough to ask. Pastor Jim.