“My conscience is clear, but that dos not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.” I Corinthians 4: 4

Hmmm. We all need to think about that one! We like to think that we are right in what we do, what we say and how we relate to others.

We like to think our motives are pure, that we are doing our best and with no personal agenda.

Be careful, though, because none of us has the mind of God. None of us can really know the motives of the Creator. None of us has the wide angle lens that He uses.

So think twice before you act: will what I do have a negative effect on someone else? Do my words build up or tear down? Is this what God would want of me?

Certainly we all have things to accomplish; just be careful how you go about accomplishing them, then do your best to glorify God by what you do, how you act, and through your interaction with others.

Hopefully, when He judges you, you will be found innocent. Pastor Jim.